Adamson House Board Elects Fourth President in Two Years

Adamson House

The Malibu Adamson House Foundation Board of Directors has just had a shake-up — again.

The organization recently announced a “restructuring” that “included removing Lance Simmens from the board” after just being elected president last April. 

The official reasoning provided by the board for Simmens’ ouster was: “His objectives were not congruent with the mission statement of the Malibu Adamson House Foundation.”

Simmens’ departure from the board is also an indication the group is still struggling to right the ship after a tumultuous couple of years, including a revolving door of presidents. State Parks officials also said one degree of bureaucracy will now be removed from the equation — Malibu Sector Superintendent Lynette Brody’s now-vacant position will not be refilled. 

The board’s long mission statement says, in effect, that activities will be carried out and funds will be raised for visitor education, the preservation of the historic Adamson House, protection of biological diversity and cultural resources, and ongoing research and updated information on the cultural and natural history of the Museum and House.

“Our previous president had a different agenda, and it didn’t work,” newly elected president Martha (“Martie”) Juede said. 

Simmens provided a lengthy statement to The Malibu Times regarding the shift in power of the group, including the following excerpts:  

“A small minded and petty effort, exercised by a group accustomed to doing things in a certain manner that did not comport with an aggressive style ,won out. With a certain degree of bemusement, I am more than happy to wish them the best of luck. I am completely comfortable with what was accomplished during the year I was honored to serve as president of the foundation.

“A review of the minutes will show that [all] decisions made during that time [were] unanimous. We initiated some high profile events that raised the profile of the Adamson House, our relationship with our State Parks partners improved considerably, our financial position is rock solid and, ironically, the new leadership is ideally positioned to capitalize on all of these things moving forward.  When I took over, the situation was in a shambles.

“In sum, life is way too short to spend time fighting over silly personal agendas and I have far better things to accomplish. But I’m glad to have had the opportunity to serve. I’m sure the new leadership will serve capably.”

In addition to electing former vice president Martha Juede to the position of president, and electing longtime board member Jules Hershfeld to the position of vice president, the board announced it “established sub-committees to more efficiently distribute member’s time and specialties. The Foundation believes these changes will bring a greater ability to fulfill its mission statement, progress the Adamson House, and continue a productive relationship with California State Parks.”

The Foundation is “also working to improve the parking and ingress/egress at the property, updating and creating a more interactive website, and increasing the number of Foundation members,” according to their statement.

New president and local artist Juede began volunteering at the Adamson House as a docent in 2008 and has been on the board since 2013. 

“As a docent, you’re constantly taking tours and you know what’s wrong with the house,” Juede said. “As the holder of the history of Malibu, [the Adamson House] should look like a historic home that’s well kept. “

She pointed out a number of deferred maintenance issues with the home, many of which are just starting to be addressed, and said that’s one of the reasons she got on the board in the first place. 

“We were all very concerned with how the house was being restored. For example, the screen doors need to be fixed, and I want to make sure those screen doors are hung properly on non-rotted wood,” she said. 

Juede said she believes “the most important thing is to be able to work with the state and have a good relationship with them.”  She is also enthusiastic about the work being done by new curator Damian Ruddy.

Craig Sap, Angeles District Superintendent for State Parks, told The Malibu Times the Malibu sector superintendent position, which was last held by Brody who retired at the end of September, will not be filled. The Adamson House Board, which used to work with Brody, is now working directly with Sap.

Malibu’s historic Adamson House, owned and operated by California State Parks, is governed by a mostly local board of directors. The past few years have been tumultuous in terms of the board, State Parks and the volunteer docents getting along and heading in the same direction during a period of change and transition. 

With the most recent changes, a board member who asked to remain anonymous said, “The end result is that everyone on the board is now united and of one mind – improving the house and working well with the state to do it.”