Obituary: Albert Sweet

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Oct. 29, 1931 – Jan. 3, 2021

Longtime Malibu resident Albert Sweet died on Jan. 3, 2021, leaving behind the beautiful community and many neighbors that he loved.

Al’s twin passions in life were his love of people and his love of business, loved ones recalled. A successful entrepreneur, real estate developer and executive in the entertainment industry, Al never lost touch with his roots growing up in the Bronx during the Great Depression. Influenced greatly by his humble beginnings, Al always endeavored to help others, just as he was propelled by others during his long career. Honored often for his many humanitarian endeavors, Al’s enduring compassion for the most vulnerable among us was ever-present throughout his life—and “philanthropist” was the title he cherished most.

His loved ones will remember his legacy of kindness and countless loving memories that will long comfort his legions of family members, dear friends, and many close business and civic relationships.