Letter: Ignoring the Issue

Letter to the Editor

Thought of the day: If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, but it’s handing out envelopes filled with cash to secure November votes, it’s probably a weasel.

In 2011, cancer-causing PCBs were discovered at Juan Cabrillo and Malibu High schools. This stuff makes the students and teachers really sick. Most of the students at Webster will eventually go to Juan Cabrillo and Malibu High. You would think the PTA would have an interest in solving this problem. You would be wrong.

The number of times Webster PTA petitioned the SMMUSD to demand testing and removal of cancer-causing PCBs at Juan Cabrillo and Malibu High: zero.   

The number of times the Webster PTA placed ads in local newspapers requesting residents to support PCB testing and removal of PCBs at Juan Cabrillo and Malibu High: zero. 

The number of times the Webster PTA sent out a Malibu mailer asking for public support to test for and remove cancer-causing PCBs at Malibu schools: zero. 

The number of times the Webster PTA had PTA members and students standing on PCH holding to signs to remove PCBs from Malibu schools: zero.

Yet, last week, we saw Webster PTA ads in the paper, Webster PTA mailers at our homes, and PTA members and students standing on the corner of PCH with signs.  This was not to bring attention to health and safety issues, but instead to support Steve Soboroff’s six-acre shopping mall proposed for the Civic Center.

And now, we have a preview of what a separate Malibu school district will look like. There is no need focus issues that deal with the health and safety of the children. Promoting new developments pays better.

Steve Uhring