Letter: Favorite dining spot


After so many wonderful years, we, the patrons, will be lost without this fine restaurant, Guido’s. You are really dining when having a wonderful meal at Guido’s. Upon entering, you are greeted warmly, almost like family and old friends. I would say that nine times out of 10, we run into friends and neighbors, which adds to the enjoyment and warmth of the evening.

Guido’s is the only restaurant we dine at in Malibu where we can have a conversation without a lot of noise or loud music.

What can us locals do to let Matt Khoury at KRE Capital know how upsetting this is and for him to put more effort into a sincere agreement to continue Guido’s lease reasonably. If nothing pans out and the greedy property owners chop up Guido’s space and replace it with more high-end shops or eatery, I will personally ask all my friends to refrain from shopping in this whole area.

I hope other Guido’s diners will take a stand on this issue.

Louise Stange