News Briefs


Sheriff’s officials remind public to protect belongings, avoid theft

The Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station has issued a statement to educate the community on how to avoid becoming victims of theft, particularly theft from vehicles.

In order to avoid becoming a burglary victim, individuals should remember to lock car doors, roll up windows, park in well-lit areas, install alarms and never leave valuable items in plain sight. Additionally, the community should remember to report suspicious activity to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station at 310.456.6652.

“Our greatest asset against burglary is the watchful citizens who pay close attention to the happenings in their community and call when they see suspicious activity,” Sheriff’s Captain Joe Stephen said. “This provides law enforcement the best opportunities to apprehend burglary and theft suspects, prevent crime and recover stolen property.”

Donations to be sent to Japan

Heath Solutions Inc. and Mailboxes Business & Shipping Center-Malibu will be sending goods to Japan to aid in disaster relief. Residents can drop off dry groceries, blankets, warm clothing or other helpful items to be shipped to Japan. All items must be cleaned and ready for shipping.

Donations are being accepted at MBSC, 22627 Pacific Coast Highway, until May 3. Visit for more information.

SMMUSD committee seeks Malibu representation

The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District’s Financial Oversight committee is looking for a qualified candidate from Malibu to fill a vacant seat, according to a press release from the school district. The individual must bring “a depth of business and/or financial expertise to the committee.”

FOC meetings currently take place once a month at 7 p.m. in the district office’s testing room. The meetings for the remainder of the school year are scheduled for April 5, May 17, May 31 and June 2.

The application deadline is April 29. Applications can be mailed to the district office at 1651 16th St. in Santa Monica, faxed to 310.581.1138 or e-mailed to For more information, contact the SMMUSD at 310.450.8338.

DUI checkpoint planned

The Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station will conduct a DUI/driver’s license checkpoint in the city of Malibu March 19 between 8 p.m. and 2 a.m., according to a press release from the Sheriff’s station.

“The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is continuing its ongoing campaign to reduce the number of persons killed and injured in alcohol involved crashes,” the release states. “DUI checkpoints are conducted to identify offenders and get them off the street, as well as bring awareness to our community of the dangers of impaired driving.”

Closure this week

The northwest Broad Beach Road entrance will be closed for construction from Pacific Coast Highway to Seafield Drive until March 18 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. The roadway will be available to emergency vehicles if necessary. For more information, call 805.647.4707.

Trails Master Plan committee meets this week

The Trails Master Plan Ad Hoc Committee was scheduled to meet Wednesday this week to review and discuss comments related to the March 1 Planning Commission meeting regarding the Trails Master Plan for the city.

The updated trails map is the culmination of a process begun in 1999 to create a Trails Master Plan for the city.

Revisions were made to the plan in 2004 and since then the city’s Trails Committee has worked to finalize an approximate map of trails that will be used in the future to, among other goals: connect parks and major recreational facilities; link with trail systems of adjacent jurisdictions; include trails for multiple uses (hiking, biking and equestrian) as well as reserve certain trails for hiking only and provide public parking at trail heads. The city has coordinated with the National Parks Service, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, and the county Parks and Recreation Department in the development of the trails map.

At a Planning Commission meeting on Feb. 7, residents voiced concern about new trails encroaching on private property.

Federal panel rules county not polluting Malibu Creek

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled March 10 that Los Angeles County was not responsible for polluted stormwater in Malibu Creek, as part of a lawsuit filed against the county by the Santa Monica Baykeeper and the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

Federal Judge Milan D. Smith, Jr. wrote that while “It is highly likely” polluted stormwater passes through drainage infrastructure controlled by the county, the plaintiffs failed to meet their evidentiary burden of proof.

Baykeeper and the NRDC currently have a similar lawsuit pending against the City of Malibu for stormwater pollution in Malibu Creek. The court did find the county responsible for stormwater pollution in the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers.