Letter: Vintage Grocers Departure

Letter to the Editor

The sudden departure of Eric Fuscher, Linda Fuscher, Jack Nassie, Mary Carbionniere and Jenna Fuscher from Vintage Grocers is a huge shock and loss to the community of Malibu.

They have all shared their love and meshed into the community as family over the past couple of years.

They were on first-name basis with so many of their clients and one could feel the “love” from each one of them. Eric and Jack were always so pleasant to so many of the shoppers. Jenna, who headed up the bakery department, was so knowledgeable and friendly.

They were always willing to participate in local community events and were so helpful to the community.

They initiated the Wednesday movies and Friday concert series which has brought the community together. Oh no—our “Malibu Mary” is gone!

Everyone I have talked to is heartbroken with their sudden departure.

Linda was visible so very often through the years, always there with a helpful hand and sharing “her love.”

Personally, I feel like I have lost family members—very sad!

I feel an announcement should have been made to the community as to the changes.

Maggie Luckerath