Hurrahs to the City Council for finally talking about real changes in city ordinances that don’t make any sense, and for suggesting that a reprioritization of the city’s enforcement actions is at hand. For too long this city’s people have been at the service of the city’s “codes” instead of the codes serving the people. Why are we making it so hard for people who want to get a simple permit for little buildings, like sheds and guest houses, that were built a long time ago? Because under the rules developed by our previous administration, whose mottoes were “reverse growth,” “make them tear it down” and “get their money,” they are all sent to Planning. The Planning Department is where the city really gets to fleece people’s wallets and is the source of the public’s resistance to Code Enforcement.
The Planning Department is necessary to ensure that new homes and new additions conform to our vision of the future look of Malibu. The Planning Department was not created to give approval for the way Malibu always looked before the department was even created. The Building Code reveals that the permit requirements for small buildings are fairly simple and they don’t require Planning. What the Planning Department should be doing is talking people out of building 10,000 square foot monstrosities instead of guest houses and sheds. These palaces have a far greater negative impact on the ecology, traffic, and a quality of life in Malibu than these insignificant little buildings ever will.
Val Fish