Letter: Rebab Defense

Letter to the Editor

I would like to tell my side the true story — Cynthia Begazo won $1.8 million for lying. She never told us she had leukemia; we found out about her dormant leukemia in this lawsuit. She only claimed she had laryngitis and a upper respiratory infection while employed. But never said it was related to leukemia. 

Disability and other charges are false and all were dropped by the judge except for the disability. There were no facts that supported any of her allegations. Because none are true! 

While employed, Begazo spread rumors that she could win any lawsuit because she knows the law. She harassed the HR assistant until she quit. It’s unbelievable how she fooled the entire jury and system and won 1.8 million. 

I am starting an employer advocacy group that will help protect employers from these type of people who abuse the laws set for employees who actually need them. It’s not fair that a group of people can bring false allegations and hurt companies and people for their benefit. 

I am a good, honest and ethical person and these people have created a monster out of me. 

I understand this is the lawyer’s tactic to win his cases. I’m sure the jury read all these lies online while the trial took place. 

It’s unfair all around, but I will not stand down and let this continue. I will stand up and make something good out of their evil. I am not sure what else I can do or if I will get a response but I need someone to hear the truth behind these lies.

Marina Mahoney