Letter: Keep it Tranquil

Letter to the Editor

Malibu Bluffs Park is a welcoming island of tranquility to both visitors and Malibu residents, a legacy of sanity in the sea of concrete and steel that is Los Angeles. It would be shame to see this natural beauty turned into Coney Island as some wish. Certainly, there is a desire for more athletic fields and other amenities, but each step along the development process permanently erodes the character of Malibu. We all must step back and remember that development is almost always permanent, asking what type of place we want to live in and why we came here in the first place. Was it not to escape the urban sprawl all around us? Why do we sacrifice the expense of living here and put up with the traffic on PCH but for the rural character of our seaside homes. Please let’s maintain that, and find alternatives to carving up one of the last large public open spaces on the coast.

Scott Dittrich