Letter: Make a statement for small businesses


Such a shame! Malibu is again being shucked over by big landlords. Guido’s is a place to go for comfort, relative quiet, good food, good waiters, sanely run place, now to be run out of town by greed. $24,000-$35,000 rent per month isn’t enough for them?

We have no other place like Guido’s in Malibu. I suggest that we put a stop to this constant problem of having our most cared-for businesses being tossed out in hopes of getting even more rent.

I’d like to suggest that whoever goes into Guido’s place be boycotted by Malibuites, even though they may be very nice people. We have to put a stop to this. It’s actually heartbreaking to think of all the businesses which have gone because of greedy landlords.

Jacqueline M. Gould