I am writing to clarify some of the misperception that may have been created as a result of your recent article about our project, Cabrillo Port.
BHP Billiton is working closely with the US Coast Guard, the California State Lands Commission and their contractors to address any remaining questions about our proposed offshore LNG receiving and regasification facility. Because the public comment process began almost a year and a half ago, and all questions remain in the public docket even after they are satisfactorily answered, many of the questions raised by the agencies quoted in the article have long ago been addressed.
The overwhelming majority of the hundreds of written comments on the record have been supportive of the project. BHP Billiton is currently in the process of answering the remaining issues raised during the public comment period, which will be available for further review once the Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) is published. At that time Malibu residents, and anyone else who wishes to comment, may review the document and pose any additional questions they might have in writing or in upcoming state and federal agency hearings.
Lights on Cabrillo Port will not be visible by Malibu residents during any evening, clear or foggy, since all illumination on Cabrillo Port will be shaded, which will allow adequate lighting for safety, but not be visible over the horizon from residents onshore. Marine and avian sea life will not be affected by light, or any other element of the project.
Cabrillo Port will not be affected by seismic activity because of its distance form shore (14 miles), while the pipelines will be buried 2900 feet under water.
Cabrillo Port is well outside local shipping lanes, and will be equipped with the best available technology in modern collision- avoidance devices.
Cabrillo Port is not within the boundaries of the Channel Islands National Park.
BHP Billiton is required by law to provide a detailed analysis of environmental impacts resulting from an emergency situation, and the Final EIS/EIR will address that issue in great detail. Ultimately, all emergency safety plans are subject to state and federal regulatory approval.
Anyone who has questions about the project may contact me at 805.604.2790
Kathy Hann
Public affairs representative, BHP Billiton