Malibu Seen: Tuning in to 2013

Malibu producer Mark Burnett and wife Roma Downey look forward to a full slate of new projects in 2013. 

Malibu’s number one TV power player, Mark Burnett, and his glamorous wife, Roma Downey, have been busy working on a project of epic proportions. They have their hands full putting the finishing touches on a television series based on the Bible, which is due out this spring on the History Channel. Even so, the enormous endeavor isn’t keeping the hard-working couple away from other big time projects. 

Awards season is underway, and Mark is in the thick of it. He’s returning as executive producer of the People’s Choice Awards, which takes place on Jan. 9. 

One thing that makes People’s Choice a little different than the other top ceremonies is that the fans cast the ballots instead of industry insiders. As People’s Choice President Fred Nelson explains, “fans have a say throughout the entire process. From categories to nominees to winners, the people are in charge and they create the show they want to see.” 

Among the favorite movies they wanted to see in 2012 were “Snow White and the Huntsman,” “The Hunger Games,” “The Dark Knight Rises,” “The Avengers” and “The Amazing Spider- Man.” 

Malibu’s Robert Downey Jr., Johnny Depp and Will Smith are in the running for favorite actors of the year, while Anne Hathaway, Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis lead the category for best actress. 

In addition to movie honors, People’s Choice recognizes favorites on the small screen. Jane Lynch, Zooey Deschanel and Lea Michele are among the leading ladies in a comedy role. Ellen Pompeo, Emily Deschanel and Ginnifer Goodwin got nods for their work in dramatic roles. 

Guess who’s talking? It’s a wide range of favorites including Ellen DeGeneres, Jeff Probst, Katie Couric, Ricki Lake and Steve Harvey for favorite talk show host. 

In late night, it’s a famous face-off with Conan, Dave, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Falon. 

You’d expect popular competition shows like “American Idol,” “Dancing with the Stars,” “The X Factor” and “The Voice” to be in the mix, but there’s even a category for “Favorite Celebrity Judge” with Adam Levine, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears and Demi Lovato leading the pack. 

Other votes will be cast for Favorite Movie Superheroes, like RD Jr. as Iron Man, Christian Bale as Batman and Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. 

The music scene could be a squeeker with pop stars Adele, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Jay-Z all in the running. 

And yes, rest assured that when it comes to Favorite Music Video, “Gangnam Style’s” Psy won’t be ignored. The one billion-hit YouTube wonder is up against Carly Rae Jepsen and her summer sensation “Call Me Maybe.” 

With just those two totally overexposed, but widely loved tunes dancing in your head, you know that 2012 was unforgettable—and we don’t mean maybe.