Updated: Horse Struck on PCH, Causing Lane Closure

Injured Mule Blocking Number Two Lane of PCH

[Update 9:05 a.m.] Sheriffs now report the injured animal, which has been identified as a mule, was euthanized, due to its extensive injuries, and all lanes are expected to be open by 9:30 a.m. Monday.

“Due to the extent of the injuries, the owner decided it would be best to put it down,” said Lt. Brooks with the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff Station.

A motorist struck a horse in the number two eastbound lane of Pacific Coast Highway at Heathercliff in Point Dume Monday morning, causing an ongoing single lane closure expected to last until after 9 a.m.

According to Lt. Royal at the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff Station, the motorist has not reported any injuries.

Animal Care and Control is at the scene, said Royal, who said the horse survived the collision, which occurred around 6:45 a.m. Monday.

“The horse is injured but alive,” Royal said, adding that there was no rider on the horse at the time.

Sheriffs suspect that the horse broke loose out of a nearby enclosure in the early morning and was crossing the road when the motorist came.

This story will be updated as more news becomes available.