Photos: Going for Gold

Kallyn Bao dances and twirls with colorful ribbons at the Ribbon Dance event.

Children aged two to six participated in the City of Malibu’s annual Tiny Tots Olympics on Sunday, Sept. 27, at Bluffs Park. The Opening Ceremony began at noon with a variety of stretches and an Olympic Torch Run around the field. Children tested their skills in a non-competitive environment.

This family-friendly event featured 13 activity stations, including Stick It Gymnastics, Gallop for Gold, Hoop It Up, Hole in One, Dizzy Discus, Race to the Flags, Kayak, Weight Lifting, Sharp Shooter, Kick It!, Hit a Home Run, Mini Aces and Rhythmic Gymnastics.

“Many of the stations were instructed by local City of Malibu instructors. Erik Prentice (city baseball camp instructor), Nina Eriksson (city tennis instructor), Indy Moore (city basketball and Kamp Indy instructor), Super Soccer Stars (soccer instructor) and Adrianna Fiori (city ballet and yoga instructor),” Senior Recreation Coordinator Katie Gallo said. “It’s a great way for instructors to introduce themselves to those in the community and offer a preview of the community classes that the City of Malibu offers.”

Children received a passport book, earning a sticker at every Olympic station upon completing the game. For a completed passport book, children received an Olympic gold medal. 

The City of Malibu also partnered with Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and First Five L.A., which provided coloring books and games pertaining to eating healthy and lifestyle habits.

“We were really excited to have over 125 children enjoy the beautiful day at Malibu Bluffs Park with their families while getting a firsthand introduction to many different types of sports,” Gallo shared. “It was great to see the excitement amongst the kids when Felix [the cat] led them in warm-up stretches, torch-run and even participated in the stations with them. Felix was a great addition to the event this year.”