Letter: Scare Tactics

Letter to the Editor

I am single dad of three kids who lives above PCH. We love Whole Foods. Last week, I received a “‘No’ on W” postcard exclaiming that Whole Foods is going to make PCH a “traffic nightmare,” increasing driving time by a whopping 45 minutes. This is so blatantly ridiculous that I almost don’t want to dignify it with a response. Almost.

It’s obvious to anyone with common sense that the traffic congestion at Cross Creek is due to lack of sufficient parking. The Whole Foods project will add over 200 new parking spaces, which will likely accommodate spillover from the existing center. Plus, Whole Foods will apparently pay for upgrades to surrounding intersections to help with traffic flow — something they’re not required to do. 

My real concern is, who are the people behind these attack ads? Why don’t they name themselves? Why do they use scare tactics instead of real arguments? You either want a Whole Foods, or you don’t. It’s very simple. I suspect these tactics will backfire in favor of Whole Foods. 

Ron Oran