Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother's Day Malibu!

The Malibu Times staff would like to wish all Malibu mothers the best on this special day. We hope you go out and treat yourself to something special. 

In honor of Mother’s Day, here’s a poem submitted to The Malibu Times by sisters Caroline Pietrzyk, 15, and Kate Pietrzyk, 12, for their mother Kim in honor of Mother’s Day. Hope every Malibu mom has a special day!


“Why Our Mom is the Best” 

By Caroline and Kate Pietrzyk


There are so many moms

in this whole wide world

Some that have straight hair,

some that have curled.


But our mom is the best

because she’s so helpful.

At the shelter she volunteers 

to cuddle each pit bull.


And our mom is the best

because she’s so supportive.

At the sports games she cheers

to give us more motive.


And our mom is the best

because she’s so caring.

She keeps us from doing

anything too daring.


And our mom is the best 

because of her style.

The best part of her fashion

is always her smile.


And our mom is the best

because she will play

tennis and ping pong

almost every day.


Our mom gets excited 

like you’ve never seen.

At family night movies

she yells at the screen.


And our mom is the best

because of her hair.

It is wild and crazy

and definitely rare.


When you drive in Malibu 

and see that car with the flowers

that lady’s our mom 

and we’re so lucky she’s ours.