Letter: Equal rights lights


Over the last few weeks we have read about a community compromise regarding the field lights at Malibu High School. There have been many proposals, including a recommendation by the Planning Commission for 16 nights of temporary lights. 

In 2010, the City Council held a hearing to decide whether to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission. After several hours of public testimony, the City Council decided to change the Municipal Code to allow not only 18 nights until 10:30 p.m., but to also allow lighting until 7:30 four nights a week during Pacific Standard time. 

In October, 2011, the Coastal Commission held a public hearing and approved what we have today. The reason the allowance is so important is that it allows not only the football team to be able to play games on Friday nights, but it also allows for Malibu’s other teams to play in the evening. One of those teams happens to be the girl’s varsity soccer team, a team that is incredibly competitive year after year. However, because they play in the afternoon, they do not enjoy the pride of being able to play under the lights in front of many of their friends and family members. 

So, Malibu, would it be right to limit the lights so restrictively that our daughters are not allowed the same opportunity to play under the lights? Two different City Councils, the Coastal Commission and a judge said it’s not. 

Marianne Riggins, president 

Malibu High School, Athletic Booster Club