Malibu Kids Prepare to Compete in 2017 Tiny Tot Olympic Games

Athletes compete during the annual 2016 Tiny Tots Olympics.

City of Malibu Community Services Department hosts the 2017 Tiny Tot Olympic Games, which will be held on Sunday, Sept. 24, at Malibu Bluffs Park. The games will include more than 10 sports events for kids ages 2 to 6. The event is designed to offer a fun experience while promoting good sportsmanship, healthy exercise and personal achievement. The opening ceremonies, including the Torch Run and a group warm-up/stretching session, will begin at noon. The games include t-ball, soccer, gymnastics, sprinting, gold, basketball, tennis and ribbon dancing. A bounce house will also be available; tickets are $5.

Teens are encouraged to volunteer for the event. If interested, they need a volunteer registration card on file and must register before the event by Sept. 22. 

The event is open to the public and free for all participants, each of whom will receive a medal. 

For more information, contact recreation supervisor Katie Gallo at 310.456.2489 or visit