I am truly thankful to Gil Segel and Remy O’Neil for all the hard work they are selflessly doing to inform Malibu about the threats and lies posed by those devious individuals who are attempting to promote continued pollution with irresponsible developments.
It is a shame that freedom in America may be taken to the extent of lying to fool a lot of people. Remember: a thief can take your property, and a liar can kill you.
I believe this Malibu will bear out the truth and scorn those who committed the lies. Mr. Segel and Ms. O’Neil just want you to know the truth; that’s all. They are not the ones with the bottom-line-profit motive regardless of who or what it hurts.
I have the deepest gratitude for all the time, energy and expense they are undertaking to make Malibu safe and clean for the community and kids.
Bob Purvey
Malibu surfer since 1963