To walk the walk


    Would you like to give people in wheelchairs the chance to stand again?

    If so, please contact your state assemblyman or woman right away, and express your opinion on Assembly Bill 750, the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Research Bill.

    The doctors gave us no hope. “You’ll never walk again, never close your fingers, never be able to father a child,” our son was told. When our insurance cut off his therapy, saying further improvement was not likely, it took two safety belts to keep our son from sliding off the wheelchair. He literally could not lift his own hand.

    But with the aid of advanced research, medication and therapy, we were able to bring back the muscles on the backs of his arms. Now, instead of having to be picked up and carried, he could transfer himself from bed to chair — even drive an adapted truck.

    Today, Roman attends college at U.C. Berkeley, where he also works; and he is the father of a beautiful baby boy. Research helped him, and there is more help on the way.

    Research is the answer to that great dream. Assembly Bill 750, the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Bill, offers a painless way to permanently fund that research. Modeled after New York’s unanimously passed Richter Bill, AB 750 puts a $15 surcharge onto speeding tickets and other traffic violations. That money will go to spinal cord injury research for cure. Car crash, by the way, is the No. 1 cause of spinal cord injury.

    We need your help. As my son Roman puts it, “Please take a stand — so everybody can.”

    Stand with us. Contact your state assemblyman or woman. Support Assembly Bill 750, the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Bill.

    Don C. Reed


    Californians for Cure