KBUU News Early Headlines Monday July 22 – Sheriff Hires His Son and Nephew – SCE Tree Trims in Malibu Park Next – City May Change Warning Systems

Cement is poured, the frame is up, and the solar panels go up today – if we can find a missing piece of metal about as big as a cat toy. Hmmm. This is KBUU News – Day 255 – the Monday Headlines:
  • = Sheriff Alex Villanueva hires his son as a deputy … despite a sketchy background.
  • = Tree trimming crews to start work in Malibu Park this week.
  • = The city’s emergency phone test worked much better this time.
  • = But city hall wants to see if there is a better system out there.
  • = It wasn’t even a dirt bike … just a motorized bicycle … that triggered a brushfire just up the coast.
  • = And a city that can’t build a skatepark or ball field finds a way to put a sculpture in at Legacy Park.
Malibu’s Only Local Daily News i… from Radio Malibu …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.