The sun came out at 2 yesterday and Zuma Beach was crowded with locals saying “what the heck is that?” Some dolphins danced too, I think they had forgotten what the sun looked like. We probably will see some sun this afternoon too. In the news:
= The city attorney’s office is accused of lying and corruption by the chairman of the city planning commission.
= Steve Uhring claims the city showed favoritism to Whole Foods market .. over its grand opening party.
= The murky group that is opposing an anti-mansionization measure has a predictable backer.
= A local government agency holds a meeting without posting an agenda … until a reporter objects.
= And a huge majority of Californians say .. there should be no more building in wildfire prone areas.
Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … from Radio Malibu …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.
KBUU News on the radio 7 times every morning.
KBUU Newswire posted here midmornings.
Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.