Democracy in action is alive and well in Malibu.
On Wednesday, Sept. 11, the Malibu Democratic Club will be hosting a public forum for qualified candidates running for the non-partisan offices as board members on the Santa Monica-Malibu Board of Education and as trustees for Santa Monica College.
As a retiring Board of Education member, a resident of Malibu and a graduate of our school district, I strongly urge you to step up to the plate and attend, listen and question the candidates. The state of California is in a budget crisis, schools are already under-funded, difficult and complex issues will continue to face public education. We must have elected members who understand the issues, listen to their constituents, and who will continue to protect and ensure the quality of education in our local public schools.
Democracy is as good as you make it and public schools are the cornerstone of good democracy. Remember, you make the difference in a democratic process when you seize the opportunity to engage. Our children do not have the ability to vote, they are dependent on us to make the right elected choices.
I look forward to seeing you at 7 p.m. at the Public Forum at Webster School, 3602 Winter Canyon Rd. For more information, please contact Ralph Erickson, president of the Malibu Democrats at 310.454.1487.
Pam Brady