The word from on high


    I’m writing to thank the Malibu Association of Realtors for their vigilance regarding the Pacific Coast Highway situation, as expressed in their letter of Sept. 3, and to let you and your readers know what I am doing, as your state Assembly representative, to expedite the long-overdue repair of PCH. My office is holding a series of task force meetings to identify specific tasks and priorities involved in trying to solve the traffic, safety, geologic and aesthetic concerns that continue to plague PCH. I have already written to the governor detailing my concerns, which include the reduction in work hours by Caltrans and the delays in opening a third traffic lane. I believe that I conveyed a sense of our urgent need for drastic improvements in communication and coordination between the various agencies, such as Caltrans and the Highway Patrol, that are responsible for particular pieces of the puzzle. I believe that I also made clear my confidence that Caltrans has legitimate reasons for changing its work schedule, but that constant feedback and communication is a necessity in a situation such as this one, where various state, private and citizen groups have responsibilities for particular parts of what has to be a coordinated, general solution to a severe problem.

    The safety, quality of life and business climate along PCH have suffered for too long. My office will continue to do everything we can to facilitate this process and get it behind us. As always, the feedback and participation of the community is an essential ingredient for success.

    Sheila James Kuehl

    speaker pro tempore

    California State Assembly

    District 41