Four arrested for DUI

LA County Sheriffs

Four people were arrested for driving under the influence during a DUI/ driver’s license checkpoint in Malibu Canyon on Saturday night. A total of 1,280 drivers passed through the checkpoint, which was set up at the intersection of Malibu Canyon Road and Mulholland Highway and took place from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. 

In addition to the DUI arrests, two people were arrested for other charges. During the checkpoint, 13 drivers were given sobriety tests, 11 people were given driver’s license citations and nine vehicles were impounded. 

The checkpoint was conducted under the supervision of Malibu/Lost Hills Sgt. Philip Brooks, along with 13 deputies, two reserves and 11 disaster communication volunteers. It was part of the Operation Safe Canyons program funded by the Third District of the county Board of Supervisors.