Letter: New Options

Letter to the Editor

Thanks for covering Measure W this month leading up to the vote in November. I have read the “for” and “against” ballot arguments. As someone who has fought and opposed many projects over the years, I agree with the “for” argument on this one and am suspicious of the “against” argument. 

I don’t believe a Whole Foods poses a health and safety risk, and locals won’t have to make round trips out of Malibu to go to another Whole Foods. Although I love many of the grocery stores and food options in Malibu, Whole Foods is a world-class operation that I believe will become the jewel of the city. They offer many food options, such as the food bar, that are not offered elsewhere. This is why people leave Malibu to go to other Whole Foods locations. Why should Malibu be denied these unique amenities under the guise that it will ruin the city for generations to come? I hope Measure W passes and that Malibu is treated to a Whole Foods.

David “Zuma Dogg” Saltsburg