Getting married

Danny Kilgore and Jaime Cozad

Southern California residents Danny Kilgore and Jaime Cozad became engaged last month in Maui. Cozad was vacationing with her mother when Kilgore arrived unexpectedly and wrote the words “Will you Maui me?” in the sand.

Kilgore, an audit manager for KPMG, graduated from Thousand Oaks High School in 1998 and UC Santa Barbara in 2002 with a degree in business. He is the son of Dan and Pam Kilgore of Thousand Oaks. His sister, Kimberly Kilgore, is on the accounting staff at The Malibu Times.

Cozad graduated from Thousand Oaks High School in 1999 and her earned her bachelor’s degree at UC San Diego. She received a master’s degree in education from Pepperdine University this year. She is the daughter of Christine Cozad of Moorpark as well as Jim and Jacki Cozad of Thousand Oaks.

No wedding date has been set. The couple is moving to New Zealand next month for a two-year stay.