The KBU Newswire for Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017


A head-on crash closes PCH last night at Point Mugu.

More than 70 Airstream trailers are now scattered in Malibu .… for rent.

While a U C L A study says beachside hotels are so expensive… that the average Californian is priced out.

Topanga Canyon Boulevard will be closed at P C H through Monday,

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This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   Thursday edition … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.


A head-on crash last night near Point Mugu.

Two people were trapped in vehicles.

The crash was reported at 7:14 p.m. at the entrance to the Thornhill Broome State Beach campground.

Fire trucks from the Ventura station at county line beach .. and from the Point Mugu Naval Station … found one person trapped in each vehicle. 

Took a half hour to cut out one victim … 45 minutes for the second person to be extricated.

Both taken to hospitals in Ventura County … condition unknown. 


Topanga Canyon Boulevard will remain closed until at least Monday.

Caltrans engineers say the damage to the road is severe.

A gigantic mound of hillside has collapsed onto the road … also known as State Route 27. 

Trees on the cliffside above the road are threatening to fall. 

Also … some more boulders. 

Motorists are discovering some twisty back country roads to get between Topanga Canyon and PCH.

One of thise roads is twisty … one way downhill Tuna Canyon Road.

There has been at least one major crash… Tuesday a car flipped over. 

And there is a long line of cars spotted at the bottom of Tuna Canyon … with impatient drivers 

waiting for a break in the traffic on P C H … f waiting to dart into traffic. 

The golden lining for Malibu … and it’s not insignificant. 

Much less traffic on P C H … as the Valley commuters have to use the 405.

There is some extra traffic…. we can see on the radar … on Malibu Canyon Road … however. 


Malibu’s battered beaches are going to get  it again.

Another high surf warning is up.

A large … long period westerly swell is moving into Southern California Waters early today.

Surf is expected to peak at 10 to 15 feet … coming in from the southwest.

The high surf is expected to persist into Friday night …. diminishing Saturday morning.

The national weather service has issued a high surf advisory in effect from 10 o’clock this morning through 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.

They warn of surf building to 5 to 8 feet here in Malibu.

With the heavy sand erosion of this month … plus the bottom being torn up by the heavy surf action … this could cause chaotic wave conditions.

Sand has washed away from many Malibu beaches … and county bulldozers were out again yesterday moving sand from the surfline to bolster berms in front of buildings at Zuma Beach.


Here on land … the cold weather we’re getting now is going to be replaced by a Santa Ana wind event.

Gusts up to 60 miles an hour are predicted for the mountains above Malibu tomorrow. 

But this will be a strange little windstorm … as areas that get winds will see warmer air … but isolated pockets in the local mountains will still be quite cold. 

The local mountains are getting both a frost advisory and a high wind advisory.

Some areas will see very cold temps until 2 or 3 in the morning but then warming as the winds hit and mix out the shallow pool of cold air at the surface. 

And that chance of more rain next week … has fizzled.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


The contentious issue of overnight rentals in Malibu is turning another page. 

City council members are getting complaints from people about Airstream trailers being brought in … for overnight rentals.

Lots of Airstream trailers. 

Councilman Jefferson Wagner says more than 70 trailers have been placed in Malibu neighborhoods by people anxious to cash in on the Air B and B market. 

One entrepreneur is advertising a luxury R-V … parked on Westward Beach Road.

Or … he’ll move it for clients to any road next to the beach  in Malibu.

He’s charging $550 a night … with a two night minimum … to park an R-V on a public road.

Sleeps four. 

The City of Malibu prohibits roadside overnight camping like that.

But enforcement has been negligible.

As for Airstream trailers on private property … dozens of those have popped up. 

One Point Dume residents says there are three Airstream rentals on his neighbor’s lot … one of them behind a fence 12 feet from his home. 

All of them are hooked up to electricity … and the septic tank … and that’s against city building and sanitary codes.

And …  there’s not enough parking on the lot… meaning the guests will now park on the street. 

Critics say the Malibu city council opened this Pandora’s box  … by approving overnight rentals … collecting fees on them … and failing to set up any meaningful regulatory enforcement.

Neighborhoods are being turned into motel courts. 

Meanwhile … U C L A’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability has just released a new study about overnight beach accommodations. 

The study … calls California’s beaches its number one tourist attraction … for californiains as well as visitors … and a democratizing force in the state.

But it calls the lack of affordable options to stay overnight a barrier to access.

The report says seaside motels have been mostly remodeled into expensive spas. 

Three out of four people in a recent statewide poll told U C L A that the limited affordable options for staying on the coast are a problem. 

The average amount that people said they were willing to pay for overnight lodging on the coast was $117.65 per night.

A Malibu hotel room goes for 400 dollars.

But then … so do some of the Airstream and R V rentals popping up in Malibu.


We told you last month about a proposal to tear out the golf course at Camarillo Springs … 20 miles up the coast from Malibu. 

A developer has purchased the golf course and wants to replace it with condos and houses.

Last night …. the Camarillo City Council rejected the developer’s plans to replace the Camarillo Springs Golf Course with houses.

It also rejected a request to develop farmland near the Conejo Grade.

No strawberry fields turning into stucco.

That report in the Ventura County Star..


Traffic in 65 seconds … first 


Weather for the Malibu ….

Areas of frost before 10am in the hills and canyons.

Then sunny.

It will be ((((  60   )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   60   )))) inland. 

Winds will be gentle. 

Downcoast winds will be   (((   15  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((   5:18    )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  cold   )))) tonight … winds developing overnight with gusts up to 60 miles an hour possible by tomorrow morning.

a low of  47 on the beach … down to  ((((   41  )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((   sunny and windy  )))).

At 9 o’clock … it was ((((    58   )))) at Trancas.

((((    47   )))) in upper Malibu Canyon.

And it’s ((((   51   ))) at Civic center Los Angeles. 

In the ocean … it’s ((((    54   )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((   3-5  )))) feet high …. 

((((  WNW swell fades as long period new WNW swell builds in.  )))) 

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((    The high tide was at 7:58 AM … 5.65 feet high.

Low tide is at 3:06 PM.

Then a minor high tide tonight at 9:29.   ))))


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