Sirens: Malibu Crime Report Sept. 30–Oct. 5

Crime Report

The following incidents were reported between 9/30-10/5:


Beauty care bust 

A suspect stole more than $1,500 worth of Neutrogena products at a drugstore in central Malibu. 


Tech take 

A locked car parked on Solstice Canyon Road was broken into. The suspect stole more than $5,500 worth of electronics, including two MacBooks and two iPhones. 


Purse pinch 

A woman’s purse was stolen from her shopping cart at a grocery store in central Malibu. The purse’s value was $2,000 with $3,000 cash inside, equating to $5,000 in total damages. 


Home vandal 

Private property on Malibu Canyon Road was vandalized with graffiti painted on the walls, equating to $1,000 worth of damages. 

Window smash 

The window of a car parked outside a residence on Las Tunas Beach was smashed, amounting to $600 worth of damages. 

Key crime 

A car parked at Malibu Lagoon State Beach was broken into after the suspect found the car’s keys hidden in a wheel well. More than $250 worth of personal items were stolen.

Car caper 

A car parked at Topanga Beach was broken into after the suspect found the car’s keys hidden in a wheel well. More than $1,600 worth of personal items were stolen, including a MacBook. 

Surfboard snatch 

A Dennis Ryder surfboard worth $700 was stolen out of the bed of a truck parked at Surfrider Beach.