Updated: COVID-19 Testing Will Be Available in Malibu Starting April 6

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Drive-through COVID-19 testing in the city of Malibu, at Malibu City Hall and Malibu Urgent Care, starting Monday, April 6. 

The city is partnering with Community Organized Response Effort (CORE), a nonprofit organization founded by actor Sean Penn, to provide the free testing from April 6-11. 

The schedule is as follows:

April 6-7: Testing provided “only for first responders (law enforcement, firefighters, medical professionals, paramedics, lifeguards) and essential workers serving the community in Malibu.”

April 8-11: Testing provided to the “greater Malibu community for people exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or people caring for someone with symptoms of or diagnosed with COVID-19.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath as well as trouble breathing, persistent pain/pressure in the chest and “bluish lips or face.” A self-check guide is available on the CDC website.

Pre-registration is not required, though it is possible via covidclinic.org/core. Click “View Testing Centers” and select “Patient Pre-Registration” under the Malibu location.

For more information, email info@covidclinic.org or call/text 310.853.1454.

The testing will take place in the upper parking lot at City Hall, located at 23825 Stuart Ranch Road.

Free COVID-19 testing will also be available at Malibu Urgent Care (MUC), in partnership with Malibu Foundation, from 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. on MUC premises. Dr. Dan Katz M.D. will be heading the testing, available to people who reside in Woolsey Fire-affected areas.

“Coupled with Malibu Foundation’s tremendous community outreach, Malibu Urgent Care seeks to identify individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 who are highest risk, including the elderly, individuals with preexisting conditions, and those who are immunosuppressed, with the hopes of closely monitoring their disease progression and referring them to larger medical centers when indicated,” a shared statement from the Malibu Foundation read.

MUC testing will be limited to people who show COVID-19 symptoms and anyone who meets the following criteria:

*Age 60 or older

*Individuals with underlying medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease (heart failure, ischemic heart disease, or valvular heart disease), lung disease (asthma, emphysema/COPD), diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, or smoking.

*Individuals with a history of immunosuppression, such as patients with active cancer, history of transplant, HIV, or those taking immunosuppressive medications.

*Individuals that have been exposed to someone who has been confirmed as having COVID-19.

People who qualify can register for the test at themalibufoundation.org/cv19test or texting “TEST” to 833.407.0117.

There are 150 tests available, according to the emailed statement. For any questions, call MUC at 310.456.7551. The urgent care is located at 23656 Pacific Coast Highway.

Editor’s note: This brief has been updated with information regarding drive-through testing conducted at Malibu Urgent Care.