Build Malibu Better: Malibu Staycation Extended Through April 30

Paul Grisanti

The City of Malibu is working hard to keep everyone current, issuing daily updates of the ever-changing novel coronavirus response. I know that Reva Feldman, Karen Farrer and Mikke Pierson have been on the phone nonstop since crazy Saturday making calls to our state and federal partners. I have not been in contact with Rick Mullen, Jefferson Wagner and Skylar Peak out of concern for a possible violation of the Brown Act, but I am confident they have been very active as well. New informational posters are distributed by CERT volunteers and posted every day at the markets and pharmacies. Multi-page versions in the letter size format are left at gathering places like Lily’s, Kristy’s, Le Cafe De La Plage and other restaurants doing takeout.

In the last two weeks, while I wasn’t paying attention, the city issued five more fire rebuild permits for a total of 91 active permits. They also took in two more rebuild applications, bringing the total to 232 applications. We are so close to the 50 percent mark.

I am so grateful to my parents for putting me to work in their hardware store when I was 12. The interpersonal skills and the knowledge of tools and how to use them has made my staycation much more enjoyable.  

We have tackled all the deferred household projects and reactivated several of the childhood hobbies that I was saving for retirement. I have learned that, while my bride of 32 years is enthusiastic about most of the “projects” even she, the most tolerant of women, has her limits. She has been enthusiastic about me having a soldering station in the living room so I can assemble an audio component to occupy my spare time. It just probably wasn’t a good time to take the dryer apart to clean the secondary lint filter while she was trying to use it. 

I was speaking to Mikke Pierson from a distance in excess of six feet while he was walking his dog. He shared that his business coaching clients are embracing this pause as the perfect time to make the changes in their businesses that they had been putting off for years.  

This is a great time for me to do the 45 hours of continuing education that I will need to renew my broker’s license in 2021. I am also spending some time on the educational requirements for CERT and will be taking the Ham Radio class to go with the handheld radios that we have ordered. I hope you are all finding ways to enjoy this involuntary vacation.