Jane’s addiction


    Actress Jane Seymour has been painting up a storm. Her Malibu studio is filled with colorful canvases, tools of the trade and works in progress. These days, TV’s medicine woman has a new passion to pursue.

    “I’ve been painting ten hours a day,” she told The Malibu Times. “It’s a little of everything– oils, landscapes, impressionist paintings, portraits of children. Last night I finished a picture of my daughter splashing in the surf.”

    Seems this hard working oil enthusiast couldn’t be a better host and exhibitor at the upcoming Malibu Arts Festival. The event, which takes place this Saturday and Sunday, is celebrating its 30th year. As in years past, it promises to be a fun-filled community affair showcasing more than 200 artists who specialize in everything from tiles to textiles, etching to oils.

    “I hear it’s really fun and I’m looking forward to it,” said Seymour. “I’ll take the kids and see a lot of friends.”

    It will be the first outing for Seymour, a 10-year resident, and the first showing of her work in Malibu.

    Her talents, however, have not gone unnoticed elsewhere. She started to attract attention when she took her easel to the set of “Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.”

    “I’d take my paints to the set,” said Seymour. “The people on Dr. Quinn liked my work and then, all of a sudden, dealers wanted to represent me. Now I’m represented by one of the best dealers in the country.”

    For Seymour, art has been a life-long passion. She started with watercolors and pastels then moved on to designing clothes and fabrics and even interiors. “I’ve done a set for the Houston Ballet, a champagne bottle for Korbel and a credit card for Discover. But for the last ten years I’ve been painting and loving it.”

    Next month, Seymour will travel to France to paint in Monet’s famed garden. But first, she’ll show off her talents closer to home letting locals get a look at her brush with greatness.

    Sponsored by the Malibu Chamber of Commerce, the festival is one of the biggest local events of the summer. The festivities will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a pancake breakfast, courtesy of the Malibu Optimists Club, as well as fair fare from local restaurants throughout the day. For those with a green thumb, members of the Malibu Orchid Society will be bringing some of their famous exotic blooms. The entertainment line-up has something for everyone from New Age to Rock to Blues to Pop.