Hanging on to freedom


    Freedom is important to all of us, especially in these difficult times. One of the reasons many of us live in Malibu, and fought so hard for Cityhood, is to be free from outside control. Unfortunately, many Malibu citizens seem blissfully unaware that we are about to lose all local control over future planning and development decisions in our city. If we lose control over development in Malibu, we have lost our ability to protect and preserve this special place in which we live.

    I am talking about the new development plan for Malibu which could be in place by September 15, a scant 5 months from now. Called the “Local Coastal Program,” (LCP), there is nothing “local” about it. The LCP was not created after input from local citizens, and it is not based on our local concerns, needs or objectives. Rather, this plan is what the State, in the form of the Coastal Commission, seeks to impose upon us.

    I am not against the Coastal Commission. I voted for the Coastal Act and believe that the Commission has an important role to play. Despite their good intentions, however, I do not feel it is right for the Commission to ignore the LCP that was submitted to them by Malibu (after much public debate) and to force on Malibu what the State believes is “best” for us.

    We simply have no control. Under a special law that was passed just for Malibu, (AB 988) the State Commission has the authority to write our plan, approve our plan, and be the final arbiter and enforcer of the plan. We have nothing to say about it-they are judge, jury and executioner! Malibu is the only coastal city in California where the State has so much power.

    Here are just a few of the many things you may not know about the plan:

    1. The State Plan unilaterally changes zoning on property in Malibu without public notice or hearings. The changes are serious.

    2. By down-zoning some areas from multiple to single family dwellings, the plan will ultimately remove renters from Malibu.

    3. The plan throws our kids and families out of Bluffs Park-forever. The State believes it has a better use for the park.

    4. By allowing only “native plants” to be planted, the State will eliminate agriculture in coastal areas. You will no longer be able to plant fruit trees, vineyards, rose or vegetable gardens on your own land.

    5. The Civic Center has been zoned for hotels and restaurants, and development of the property for another use will require a payment to the State by the property owner.

    6. Believe it or not, in certain cases the State will even have the right to approve the color of your house!

    I must commend our city for putting on public workshops to educate us about what is going on. If we don’t help the city and do something now, our community will simply surrender control of Malibu’s future to the State.

    A few of us have decided to get together and form a group to learn more about the situation and to try to keep control of our city’s future. If you are interested, call and leave your name, address, phone number and e-mail address on a machine we have set up for that purpose at 310. 317.8487. Don’t worry, we won’t use your name if you don’t want us to. We’ll just contact you with more information.

    Please get involved. Time is running out.

    E. Barry Haldeman

    Strike off her name