It’s an important right that too many of us take for granted. In the 1998 election, barely a third of the eligible voters went to the polls. No one else can cast your vote. If you don’t vote, you are letting others decide the future of our community, our state and our country.
In order to vote in the coming election, you need to be an American citizen, 18 years and older. You need to re-register if you have moved since the last election.
This election will be especially important since, in addition to the presidential and U.S. congressional election, we will be voting on state legislators and several state initiative proposals, a Malibu councilman and three Malibu initiative proposals.
Become informed so that you can vote wisely. This is not easy, especially in connection with the initiative proposals, because the campaigns can be more to confuse than to inform.
Vote and take a friend, sister, brother, parent, colleague or neighbor to vote on Nov. 7. Let’s have a really good turnout here in the park. It is so easy since the polling place is our clubhouse and it is also possible to vote by absentee ballot.
Registration forms can be found at the post office, our park and the Malibu Library and our club house.
Dorothy Green
League of Women Voters