Low risk is not as good for children and teachers as no risk. There is toxic PCB contamination at the Malibu Middle school in the soil and in the classrooms. I don’t think anyone truly knows whether or not a specific individual student or teacher will suffer negative health consequences due to the existing level of toxic contamination. What we know is that there is measurable contamination so why would anyone knowingly take the gamble and risk the health of their child if it can be avoided? The PCB toxicity risk can be entirely avoided by complete removal of the toxic substances or by complete removal of all the students and teachers into other facilities. We are making the second choice, removing our child from the Malibu Middle School and moving to him to a different location as we do not trust or believe that the SMMUSD Board will remove the toxic substances as has been shown by their proposal to leave the toxic material in place for another 15 years. My suggestion is that every Malibu parent remove their children from the Malibu Middle School if the SMMUSD is not going to remove the toxic substances or relocate the students. That’s what we have chosen to do out of a real concern for the health of our child and for the health of all of the children and teachers at the Middle School.
Thomas Sorce