Letters: Apples to Apples?

Letter to the Editor

Regarding the sample collection by Malibu Unites and PEER, it would help ease much confusion if the two groups would publish the collected samples “Chain of Custody.”

After reviewing the school districts web site, specifically the email regarding ” EPA Comments of the Districts PCB plan”, it appears that sample collection and air testing are performed with many on site controls, review, and methods. This leads me to question PEER and Malibu Unites sample collection methodology.

As a Juan Cabrillo and Malibu Park Junior High Alumni, Juan Cabrillo Parent and team member of the Juan Cabrillo “Visiting Artist” group (we cleaned out room 19), I feel they have the responsibility to provide the public with their information.

Are we comparing “apples to apples”?

Lisa Niles-Gutierrez