Malibu DAR Celebrates National Anthem Anniversary

Malibu DAR celebrates the anniversary of the National Anthem. Pictured, from left, front row: Laura Gilbard, Carol Jackson, Jennifer McIntyre, Ellen Kehr and Jennifer Meltzer; second row: Betty Lucas, Tica O’Neil, Marj Dukatz, Mary Lynn Martin and Theresa Harris; back row: Anne Kaufman, Annette Keller, Sheila Hill, Beth Grimes and Vicki Cooper

The Malibu Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) celebrated the 200th anniversary of the American National Anthem on Oct. 11 at the home of Laura Gilbard. 

DAR member Tica O’Neil narrated a video presentation about the history of the National Anthem. 

Newly elected Malibu chapter regent Jennifer McIntyre presided over the monthly DAR business meeting. Lunch was served after by Gilbard.