Planetary Themes for the Month of July

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.

There is a lunar eclipse on July 4. Emotions can run high, so keep your cool. Mercury ends its retrograde cycle and turns direct on July 12. This is a better period to begin to make important decisions again. 


An important shift began for you on June 27 when Mars entered your sign. This signifies new beginnings and more actively expressing your energy. Home and family matters also take center stage. On the 22nd, a favorable shift begins. It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and express your fun, adventurous side.


Your communicative and inquisitive side runs the show. This can be a favorable period for you to satisfy your curiosity and learn new things. You are more active working behind the scenes, but remember not to suppress any pent-up energy! During the second half of July, be more cautious making decisions. You may miss important details. 


As Venus continues to transit your sign this month, you are in your high cycle for expressing greater love, abundance and new opportunities. There is likely to be increased activity in your social life. This is a favorable period for going after your dreams. Remember to stay practical and realistic with goals or career matters.  


You are in your own element for expressing your emotions and dealing with domestic matters through July 22. You can also tune in to your spiritual side and explore new possibilities. There is an increased awareness of important goals. You may feel dissatisfied with career matters and take some actions to improve the situation. 


You can feel like spending more alone time until July 22. This can be a favorable period to get to know yourself better! From the 22nd onward, it’s time to come out of your shell and let your light shine. You can be driven to explore new opportunities and travel. Your independent side seeks greater expression. 


There is probably some unfinished business with friends or acquaintances from the past. You can feel at home in social settings and deepening the connections with significant others. When it comes to money matters, it’s time to make some adjustments and set new goals. Avoid the temptation to make impulsive purchases!


This is the time to move ahead with any travel plans or higher education. There is a stronger urge to express your independence. When it comes to getting things done in your daily affairs, it will be too easy for you to get distracted. Get better organized! Relationships can heat up but remember to keep some healthy boundaries.


There is likely to be increased activity in your work or daily affairs. Some adjustments are necessary in your habits. This can be an ideal time to get into a new health and fitness routine. When it comes to money or investments, you can have the blinders on. Play it safe. There is a greater urge to travel or revisit places.  


Relationships in your life can get back on track. There are more options and possibilities. However, there may be a conflict between your family life and relationship time. Try to find a balance. There is a stronger urge for fun and recreation. Your passion and creativity can take you far and lead others along the way.  


This is a time to be more active at home and with family matters. Spending more time in nature grounds you. Relationships from your past are likely to reappear in your life. When it comes to your daily affairs, you are probably juggling too many balls and can get easily sidetracked. Narrow your focus and get better organized.  


Your mind becomes more active with new ideas and plans! This is a time to take action after July 12. There are new possibilities that can open up in your love life or to have more fun. When it comes to money or investments, there are some blinds spots. Be more realistic. From the 21st onwards, personal relationships heat up.


As your planetary ruler, Neptune, retrogrades, you can be spending more time reminiscing on the past. Try to stay more focused in the present! This can be a favorable time to be more active with your financial affairs. Relationships can also deepen on an emotional level. When it comes to domestic matters, keep some boundaries.