Paula Kashtan’s piece “Malibu Thanksgiving Traditions” [from Nov. 24 issue] was, for me at least, enlightening in ways she may not have intended. For I write not to celebrate these particular traditions but to question their motives and their activities.
As we enter December, our nation is locked somewhere between a deep and recalcitrant recession on the one hand and a depression on the other. Christmas approaches and one needs little imagine to envision Americans in desperate straights: foreclosures, record unemployment, and the mental/emotional strain that accompanies these circumstances. What a marvelous time to reach out a hand to a fellow American! Brotherhood begins at home. Except in Malibu.
Here we find Episcopalians, Methodists, Jews and whoever else, falling all over themselves to partner with the Malibu Labor Exchange to treat illegal aliens as if they were indigenous personnel. They are not. They are, by the very fact of their presence here, law breakers. Those who coddle, support and encourage this brand of nonsense, however well intentioned, should rethink their actions.
If one feels the need to give, find a deserving citizen, or some individual who is here legally. Why would anyone encourage an interloper to stay, while essentially turning his/her back on an American in similar straits. It makes no sense. And I see no evidence of embarrassment or contrition. Quite the contrary. One Malibu West resident makes a point of providing free Thanksgiving dinners, gift bags and hygiene products to folks who have broken our laws and take jobs from American workers. Such sets a poor example for youngsters just starting out in life.
This reckless disregard for one’s own brothers and sisters breeds in our children a contempt for the constitutions (state and federal) for our sovereignty and above all a disrespect for what it means to be an American. This is a wonderful season. This is still the greatest country on Earth, its detractors notwithstanding.
Share with a fellow American. Encourage these others to return home to make their countries as they would have them be. We have our hands more than full here.
Steve Jones