Letter: Party Reboot

Letter to the Editor

Since the Democrats have lately lost over 1,000 seats in elections nationwide, it may be time to redirect the party. The extreme views often presented today are not in step with the way America was founded. The Republicans have also lost touch with voters. Bernie Sanders and Trump are both results of the above.

Like Cuba’s empty harbors (so no one escapes), it is time for new direction. There is a sea change coming for the better for stopping our enemies and outsourcing. Later, we must all come together, as automation and robots will potentially create a 60 percent unemployment rate. 

Then what? It is possible that a system where everyone owns a part of the productions facilities (not donated but earned and bought through investing a part of all salaries) could create a voter participation in the direction of our great America. 

Currently, the national debt is about to take on a life of its own and be sadly uncontrollable by anyone.

Morten WenglerÂ