Malibu Unites, AMPS Get City Cash

Malibu City Hall

Local nonprofits Malibu Unites and Advocates for Malibu Public Schools (AMPS) both received funding grants out of the city’s general fund undesignated reserve on Monday.

In total, $8,500 was allocated to Malibu Unites and $6,500 to AMPS.

“Since the budget was adopted, Malibu Unites has provided us with their 501(c)3 determination letter and submitted a new application,” said Assistant City Manager Reva Feldman, stating that Malibu Unites did not receive funding earlier this year due to them not having paperwork proving they are an official nonprofit.

Several members of both groups spoke to urge council to vote in favor of the grants, which they did in a unanimous 5-0 vote.