November Planetary Themes

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.

As Uranus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on November 1st and another Solar eclipse occurs on Nov. 3rd, it’s a time to embrace more change, let go of the past, and move in a new positive direction. On November 10th, Mercury turns stationary direct, ending its retrograde cycle. After the 10th is a better time to begin to make important decisions again in your life.


The urge to break free from limitations or responsibilities is strong during the first week of November. Think twice before making any hasty moves. Some issues related to money and personal relationships come to the surface around the 14th. During the second half of the month, you move into a more favorable cycle for work, finances, and attracting the things you want.


This is a good month for examining your emotions, forgiving, and letting go of issues from your past. After the 5th, you feel the urge to explore new possibilities in your life. This may include some travel opportunities. Your belief system can go through some changes especially around the 14th. Better opportunities for money or investments are in the cards during the second half of the month.


Your daily routine and work related projects may need some reorganizing. You can discover new ways of becoming more efficient. After the 5th, it is a favorable period for expressing your creative and artistic side. You are also drawn more towards the spiritual or emotional realm. You can heal and resolve emotional issues.  Examine finances for ways to eliminate unnecessary expenditures.


Personal relationships and significant others take on more importance after the 5th as Venus enters Capricorn. You can also attract more love in your life. Around the 14th, some issues can get stirred up for you to examine in your relationships and career. You are in a cycle of accomplishment this month in the pursuit of your goals. You can see more tangible results and rewards by the 18th.


Your daily work life, health, and fitness become more important to you after the 5th.  Around the 14th, there is likely to be some unexpected changes at work. Try to avoid any misunderstandings with those you deal with on a daily basis. During the second half of the month, you move into a more favorable cycle for making money and getting the job done right.


As Mars continues to transit your sign this month until December 7th, you can be all work and no play. Remember to stop and smell the roses. After the 5th, there are more opportunities for fun or romance. Money and investments are more favored except for around the 14th when the unexpected could throw a monkey wrench into your plans. Play it safe with finances around this date.


Your outlook can take on a more serious tone on the 5th when your planetary ruler, Venus, enters Capricorn. This ignites more drive and ambition to accomplish goals. There may be some challenging relationship or family related issues to resolve around the 14th. Things can begin to smooth over during the second half of the month. Some more reclusive time alone can help you feel more balanced.


You are in a strong cycle for change and new adventures during the beginning of the month as Uranus squares your planetary ruler, Pluto. On the 5th, your mind becomes more fertile for new creative ideas to help you attract the things you want. Avoid misunderstandings with co-workers or employees around the 14th. Social interactions and networking is favorable during the second half of the month.


This is a good month for self introspection and spending more time alone. There may be some emotional issues for you to examine and resolve in your life. After the 5th, there is more of a focus on earnings and career goals. Be more cautious with the handling of finances and investments around the 14th. You can begin to come out of your shell after the 21st.


The good news is on the 5th when Venus enters your sign until March 5th, 2014! This a favorable cycle to help you attract more love in your life, financial abundance, and opportunities. Around the 14th, some relationship or family related issues may rock your boat. Keep your cool. During the second half of the month, your hard work can yield greater rewards.


You can really be feeling the urge for change at the beginning of the month. There may be some things bothering you underneath the surface you need to vent. Around the 14th, be careful with your finances and avoid becoming reckless. You may be forced to dig deeper into the emotional realm this month. Although it makes you feel uncomfortable, do it anyways. 


It’s time to shine more socially after the 5th. New opportunities can open up for you this month through group involvements and networking. However, around the 14th, some friends or acquaintances may have outlived their welcome. You feel like making some social changes. Other people and significant others can be too demanding or critical at times. Remember to keep solid boundaries.Â