Bicyclist killed in Las Flores Cyn accident identified


The bicyclist who died in an accident Saturday morning on Las Flores Canyon Road has been identified as 51-year-old Robert Hyndman of Laguna Beach. Hyndman, who was wearing a helmet, collided with a guard rail on a tight curve and was thrown over his handle bars at about 11:45 a.m. Saturday and suffered head injuries, according to the California Highway Patrol. Hyndman was taken to a hospital, where he later died.

According to the OC Register, Hyndman was a writer and brand developer. He was riding with a group of cyclists in celebration of the first anniversary of the Santa Monica bike store Bike Effect. The bike store is reportedly planning a ride in Hyndman’s honor this Sunday morning, with cyclists starting at 910 Broadway in Santa Monica and continuing to the scene of the accident in Malibu to pay their respects.