Letter: Economy Overview

Letter to the Editor

Over the past year or so, there have been several editorial comments and letters to the editor regarding the U.S. economy.

On Friday, June 3, there will be an overview of the status of our economy and the stock market in the Zuma Room at Malibu City Hall at 11:30 a.m.

This presentation will have no political bias and will show data from several Federal government agencies, including the Bureau of Economical analysis (bea.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov), Federal Reserve (federalreserve.gov) and others.

These data are part of an econometric study that started over 45 years ago. It will be displayed using easily understood charts on a large screen.

Yearly data from 1900 to the present will show where we’ve been, where we are and what the trend indicates.

Items to be covered will include gross domestic product, inflation, money supply, monetary base, employment, government expenditures and debt, interest rates, personal and corporate taxes, the stock market and other metrics if time allows.

Kal Klatte