Letter: Safe With Stern

Letter to the Editor

I recently returned from a several-week trip to the East Coast, and when I opened my mail, I found a huge number of mailers from Janice Kamenir-Reznik, who is running to replace termed-out Fran Pavley as our State Senator. These mailers are expensive, and I wondered where she got the money to fund this onslaught. 

The Malibu Democratic Club, of which I am a vice president, recently hosted a debate among the candidates for this vacant seat. In answer to a question, Kamenir-Reznik admitted that the San Fernando Valley law firm — in which she is a partner with her husband, Ben Reznik — represents developers, but she added, “there are good developers.” 

I Google searched the law firm and found the following quote: 

“Real estate developers with big problems and deep pockets flocked to the Ventura Boulevard law firm of Reznik & Reznik for advice that helped alter the commercial face of the San Fernando Valley.  After all, Benjamin Reznik was not only the Valley’s best-known land use attorney, he also possessed formidable connections in politics and business.”

I see. The firm wants even more political connections. How better than to become a member of the state legislature representing the very area the firm’s clients want to develop?

The “California Dental Association Independent Expenditure PAC” paid for a number of these expensive ads. What does this PAC have to do with this race? A mailer from Henry Stern may provide the answer. The mailer read:

“Public records prove that Chevron contributed $2 million to the mysterious ‘Keeping Californians Working’ PAC … which then transferred $17,300 to the Dental Association PAC to oppose Democrat Henry Stern.”

The Malibu Democratic Club Board has voted to endorse Henry Stern for this 27th State Senate District seat. I believe that Malibu would be in safe hands with Stern. I am not so sure about Kamenir-Reznik.

Ted Vaill