Paying for playing


    Now the SMMUSD Board wants to charge Little League $10,000 (and how much for AYSO?) for the use of the local school fields. It’s not bad enough the children’s school PE will be eliminated. You want to take away all the local sports programs for what is a drop in the bucket compared to the district’s shortfall just because of your If-I-Can’t-Have-It, Nobody-Will attitude. Since when did local non-profit organizations become the funding source for the school district? Your suggestion that volunteers run the PE program is equally ludicrous since Little League and AYSO are run by volunteers.

    This is the kind of short-sighted vision that has gotten the Board/District in this mess in the first place. How about dropping one (or two or three) administrative positions at the District office and replace those with volunteers? How would that work?

    Everyone needs to work together for solutions to playing field problems and financial shortfalls for the good of not only the schools but the community as a whole, but in the meantime, you are off track and not helping.

    Beth Ciniglio