Los Angeles County, City of Malibu to Host Library Town Hall Meeting

Malibu Library

In partnership with Los Angeles County, the City of Malibu is holding a town hall meeting to discuss the future of Malibu Library at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 9, at Malibu City Hall.

A community survey was recently sent out to “evaluate library services and community needs as part of the development of a long-range plan for the Malibu Library,” according to information from the city. The results of this online survey will be presented to meeting attendees. 

Locals will also have the chance to ask questions and share their thoughts on the library’s services and programming.

For more information, visit malibucity.org/libraryneeds or email eshavelson@malibucity.org. The town hall meeting is free to attend; no RSVPs are necessary.