Let’s put up a fight


    I was born and raised in Malibu these 46 years, and I see a vanishing rural lifestyle on the verge of becoming extinct. The California Coastal Commission Plan for Malibu will guarantee that. I want my son and daughter to enjoy rural Malibu like I did, i.e. riding horses, raising animals for the 4-H Club, and similar freedoms. The ESHA part of the plan for Malibu is Code 4-get all these environmentally destructive people out of this or any other natural environment and lock them up in cities, etc.; in fact, burn them out with coastal sage up to their doors, if necessary. The ends justify the means in their book.

    This “Re-Wilding of Malibu” is really a movement for all of America. It’s subtle and it’s vicious. So kiss your private property rights goodbye in designated ESHA or surrounding areas like all of Malibu (hello, out there!). What would General Patton do? He defeated Rommel in North Africa by reading Rommel’s book on tank strategy. So let’s read the Coastal Commission’s book. Their agenda is deadly.

    Don’t be complacent, Malibu. Attend the commission meeting on Sept. 12 at LAX and object to their control of our local lives. Or don’t complain when your Rubbermaid shed is tagged as an unpermitted structure like one was in Monte Nido (where the commission’s plan is already being implemented illegally, outside of Malibu city limits in L.A. County.)

    How about a lien on your house for a chicken coop? Don’t think this isn’t important. Remember, we can’t take it back once it’s done. Come on, let’s fight for our right to live free!

    Lonnie Ashley