Malibu DAR Hosts Monthly Meeting

The Malibu chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution hosted its monthly meeting. Pictured, from left, top row: Mary Lynn Martin, Ann DeMartini, Kim Lucas, Patti Scroggins and Jennifer Meltzer; bottom row: Carol Jackson, Marj Dukatz, Ellen Kehr, Sheila Hill, Caprice Roche, Annette Keller, Tica O’Neill and Betty Lucas

The Malibu chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution hosted its monthly meeting on March 1 at the Malibu home of Betty Lucas. In an effort to learn about a wide variety of American issues dating back to 1776 through contemporary times, Paul V. Ferrazzi, Executive Director of the Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community, spoke at the meeting about hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. A potluck lunch and discussion followed the slide presentation.Â