Only a man from Hollywood or a screen/ TV writer/producer would dare equate our fine Pepperdine University (or any other Malibu business) to the Bourbon King.
I can see Mr. Sawyer has not done his homework.
When the proposed city lines were drawn, it cut Pepperdine in two–half in the city and half in the county. With the biased City Council, I’m sure Pepperdine would not have been permitted to proceed with building, which had already been approved by the county. So they had every reason to remain with the county.
And with all the bickering, I, too, am glad to live in the county.
What amazes me is how the critics of Pepperdine have the colossal nerve to use Pepperdine sports facilities and attend Pepperdine fine arts program, musicals, etc.
This same message goes to Malibu Road Property Owners Association. I believe in fair play.
E. Rita Templeman